Animals Are Not Playthings At Children’s Parties


In an attempt of keeping up with the Jones’, an alarming trend is now sweeping children’s parties. Mums compete with each other as to who throws the best party, the most memorable party, the weirdest party, the most extravagant party. Never mind the kids just having a good time. These days, it is all about the mums going one better on the others.

Mums, get a grip of yourself and get back to reality! The party is for your kid and a celebration of their birthday. It is not a showcase of how superior you are to the other mums. Get real! And especially when it comes to the use (I would rather call it abuse) of animals at the child’s party. Not only can someone be seriously harmed by an innocent bite from a cute animal, but animals are not playthings. They do not want to be taken from one party to yet another, paraded about, yanked, groped, prodded, laughed at, and used as a toy.

Animals are sentient beings. Mikao Usui, a very wise teacher from the 1800’s, gave us the Reiki Principles. These are 5 principle to live our lives by, and they include: “I show kindness to every living thing”.

I repeat; animals are sentient beings. They have feelings too. They have needs too. They have just as much right to a peaceful life as we do. They deserve kindness. They deserve to live happily, away from over-excited noisy children, one party after another, all weekend long. And in-between the parties, they are usually caged. They are not necessarily given love and affection and proper care in-between parties.

The use (in my opinion and experience, abuse) of animals in circuses is now very much frowned upon. Let us make this change happen in children’s parties too. Mums, try to study the Reiki Principles. Try to feel pleasure in humbleness and happiness. Share that child’s excitement. Let go of outdoing other greedy Mums. They are on their own journey of greed. You can just be happy and throw a happy party for your special child to enjoy the day they were born.

There are so many alternatives to using animals at parties. There are Clowns, Children’s Storytellers, Bouncy Castles, plus many restaurants that cater especially for children’s parties and make them special. Let us show kindness to every living thing. Have a great party. And many more to come!

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