9 Transition Strategies To Manage Time Of Transition In Kids


Life is constantly changing. We live in constant flux and change. Nothing is constant. However, this doesn’t make it easy to manage and live with changes. Parents may have difficulty dealing with the impact of changes on kids. They can benefit from transition strategies and skills that help kids to navigate times of change. 

This article will discuss how to support children in transition and change. This post listed some valuable transition strategies that can be used to prepare kids for their future. 

What Is The Transition In A Kid’s Life?

While you may have certain routines in your interactions with your child every day, young children experience many moments of transition and change each day. For most children, daily life is a mix of parents leaving home to work and moving to school or kindergarten. 

Moments of more serious change can also occur, such as moving to a different house or holidays. Some children are able to adapt well to such changes. Some children may find the change overwhelming and distressing. By modeling transition strategies in their lives, parents can encourage their kids to embrace change. 

A Child’s Perspective On The Impact Of Change

Parents can gain insight into why transitions can be difficult by looking at them from the perspective of children. Security and safety are very important to a young child. Young children might not have the information or cognitive ability to process future events. 

They may have difficulty anticipating and preparing for changes without adult support. Young children can experience overwhelming emotions and it is difficult to express their feelings.

Transition Strategies For Kids

Parents have a vital role in helping their children learn how to handle change without becoming overwhelmed. With time and support, children can learn to manage change and embrace change as an opportunity. Let’s look at some transition strategies that could help.

Follow Routines

Children can benefit from consistency and a consistent schedule at home. This will help them navigate change and transitions in their lives. These routines could be related to bedtime, mealtimes, and technology. There may be times when it is more important to maintain a routine than spontaneity. Your child can feel safe and contained if you have a consistent and reliable routine at home.


Communication is one of the crucial transition strategies when dealing with kids who are going through changes. Young children can benefit from communication to help them manage change and transition. 

Talking about what to expect during transition is a great way to prepare. Many parents find a visual timeline to be incredibly helpful. It may help to create a visual timeline to guide you through the process of moving into a new home. 

Ask your children any questions about the process. Verbal and visual reminders are helpful as the transition nears. For example, telling your child that you will be leaving the playground after three more slides, it can remind them that the transition is coming. 

This will help them feel more in control. You might also want to talk with your child about the transition process after it has passed.

Take One Thing At A Given Time

It is said that patience is a virtue. This applies to helping your child navigate change and transition. Be patient and realistic about the amount of change that your child can handle and how fast. Change is hard work that requires concentration and energy. 

Try to avoid disruptions at home if your child is facing significant school change. This can be done by modeling self-care and Self-Compassion To Your Child when you are facing significant change. It is important to keep your mind focused on the positive when you are going through change or transition.

Create A Schedule

This is where picture schedules come in handy. A visual schedule that shows the child each step of a day (e.g. Get dressed, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and go to school). You can either use pictures or words if your child is able to read. 

By creating a schedule, you can alternate between preferred and non-preferred activities to ensure that your child has something to look forward to.

Stick to your schedule as tight as possible until the child is comfortable with it. You can help a child who is having trouble with transitions by creating a “First…Then” chart. This will show that the child must complete at least one activity before they can move on to the next.

Scroll down to know more transition strategies for kids. 

Practice Makes Perfect

Social stories can be a great way to ease anxiety about difficult transitions. They help children mentally “practice” transitions in a calm and non-threatening manner. These stories are used in the classroom, and the same social stories are sent home to the families for them to read in the evenings. 

Patience is the key. Children won’t learn transition strategies without consistent practice, sometimes for several days or weeks.

Teach Children Emotional Words

Parents should teach their children how to use different emotional words to express their feelings. Children often have a better time making difficult transitions if they can communicate their emotions and desires.

Play And The Children’s Interests Are Important

Children love to play. To motivate children, you can capitalize on their enthusiasm for playing. You can make transitions fun, such as pretending to be planes when you get back from the playground or singing a fun clean-up song when it’s time for you to clean up.

You can use interest-based support to help children who are not interested in this transition strategy. Focus on what might resonate with them. To engage children, you can build on an interest they have, such as dancing, dinosaurs or dogs. 

After Transitions, Give Specific Feedback

It is important to recognize when things go well, and to celebrate effort and achievement. Do not focus on the behaviors you wish to see less of.

It is important to give students specific feedback so they can signal that they are moving in the right direction. Also, it is crucial to clearly identify what skills they will need to duplicate.

Use Visual Cues

Bright and colorful visuals are a great way to get children to respond to transitions. Children can be better informed by visual references.

To represent the fun activities of the day, create a daily calendar with explanation images. As you go through each activity, take out the image. You can use the pictures to show children what’s next and then combine them with singing directions.

These transition strategies and methods can help you and your child navigate change and transition. These strategies and approaches may help make the transition easier for you both, and give you valuable life skills.

Here Are The Takeaways

Young children can find change overwhelming and frightening. They may not have the cognitive ability to predict and understand it.

Children can be supported by their parents and caregivers to cope with times of transition with transition strategies. This includes creating structured routines at home, clear communication to children about changes and limiting the amount that occurs at a given time.

Read Also: Ways to teach organizational skills to kids

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