Parenting Tips From the Number 1 Parenting Program in the World!
According to research, the Triple P- Positive Parenting Program is the United Nations’ top-ranked parenting program. Triple P is supported by more than 30 years of research and has helped millions of families worldwide. The Triple P help centers around five strategies of parenting. These are:
- taking care of ourselves first
- talking to our kids
- helping our kids find ways to entertain themselves
- leading by example
- setting clear rules and consequences while teaching our children risk evaluation
I’ll quickly talk about the first two here.
Have you seen parents who look exhausted because they just don’t have the time needed to get the proper amount of rest? Have you seen exhausted parents going through the fast-food drive-through because they don’t have time to get themselves the adequate nutrition they need?
We parents somehow need to find some ‘me time.’ Hey, there are many good reasons why the airline industry tells us to put on our own oxygen mask first, before helping our children put theirs on. Parents, if we’re a mess, then we’re not going to be able to help our kids.
Teens quickly become defensive when they think we’re lecturing them. Sometimes we find ourselves separated from our teens by a locked bedroom door as we yell, “I know you can hear me in there!” Instead, let’s be more proactive instead of reactive with our teens. Let’s take the time to really talk to our kids about the things that they enjoy. Let’s try to ask them questions more often than throwing statements or demands at them. If we do it enough, we might be able to build that emotional connection with them that will help us weather the days that aren’t so good.
Now, as my Granddaddy always said, “Go learn, lead and lay the way to a better world for all of us.” Remember and try your best to apply these parenting tips from the #1 parenting program in the world! And once again, parents, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do…